Miss V: Pancakes for Mummy
Story contributed by:
Amanda Kuan & Chua Shi Jia
Dementia Day Care - Yishun
Prologue: Main Character
Basic Information
Supporting Characters
Main Story
Ms. V was referred to OT for motorized scooter prescription, community mobility training and exploration of
life activities. Mother expressed concerns over her lack of exposure in travelling to school by herself, as
mother has always been accompanying her to and from school. Ms. V also wanted to be independent in
travelling to and from school as she moves on to tertiary education. With the motorized scooter, it has opened
a lot of iADL options for Ms. V as she can travel around her neighborhood independently.
Recently, Ms. V brought up the idea of wanting to be able to prepare a meal for her mother. After discussion,
Ms. V has agreed to start on something simple before making a 2-course meal for her mother. Therefore, she
decided to make some pancakes for herself and her mother.
As it was her first-time cooking/ preparing a meal, some considerations and flow of procedure was discussed
with her during one session. As recipes for pancakes are readily available online, she was tasked to find a
recipe that she wanted to try before the next session. For the next session, Ms. V went to purchase the
ingredients that were not available at home with supervision. She drove her motorized scooter to the nearby
NTUC and walked within the NTUC to get the ingredients. She even managed to climb down and up a flight of
stairs to get the ingredients that she needs. She required some prompting and physical assistance in carrying
the basket as well as choosing the ingredients.
After reaching home, a run-through of the process of making pancake was done with Ms. V again. She was
able to gather the necessary cooking tools for making the pancake. Activity was modified due to her poor
standing endurance, hence most of the preparatory work was done with her seated down. She attempted to
make her own pancakes after observing the demonstration. While cooking, she mentioned that her mother
has always not allowed her to participate in any meal preparation (if it involves open fire/ cutting etc) even
though she expressed her interest in doing so. She is very glad that she had this opportunity to make pancakes
for the first time with some guidance and supervision.
She was happy and satisfied after finishing the whole pancake-making task. Ms. V was also very excited to get
her mother to try her first attempt on making pancakes. Mother saw the video of her choosing ingredients
and making her own pancakes from the OT, and she was very proud of Ms. V.
Participation Goal(s) of Client
​To be able to make a two-course meal for her mother independently with activity modifications.
Facilitators to Participation
Ms. V is motivated
Ms. V wants to fulfil her duties as a daughter by making a meal for her mother
Supportive family members
Barriers to Participation
Underestimating her own abilities to perform some of the tasks
Kitchen environment not ideal – sink and stove are far apart
Lack of exposure – did not even observe how her mother cooked before
Strategies to overcome barriers and support participation by OT(s) and Stakeholders
Pre-planning and discussion before the actual cooking task
Changed some standing tasks to sitting for energy conservation
Encouragement from OT
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